“With every thought that we think and every word that we say we create our reality”

  • Don’t Miss this Day

    Did you know that there is an auspicious day each year that is known for its astrological strength and limitless potential to help us with our dreams and goals? Said to aid and support any endeavor started on this day, it is the day, when both, the Sun and the Moon are the strongest in the signs of their exaltation, Aries and Taurus respectively. In 2024, this day falls on May 10th, which is TODAY! Whatever you decide to put your mind to today, will yield fruitful results, so it is mega important to spend it consciously, with great awareness of our thoughts and actions.

  • The Guru is shifting

    Jupiter, known in Vedic astrology as the Guru, a planet representing wisdom, knowledge, spirituality and finances, has transitioned out of Aries and into Taurus. While he is still gaining strength in his new home for the next year, we already might have felt the changes in affairs pertaining to finances, family relations and partnerships. Very likely, these changes might have showed up in a form of an ask to let go, empty out and release. Has anything come up in the last few weeks that is fitting into this description? I certainly have! Want to know what else to expect from this transit? If so, read on.

  • Jupiter Transit Workshop

    Jupiter just entered the sign of Taurus, where he will spend the next 12 months. This is a major transit that has a lot of great potential, if one knows how to activate it and send it in the right direction. In honor of this significant planetary shift, I invite you to a Live Zoom Interactive Workshop, free of charge, Thursday, May 2d @9:30am EST.

  • April-May Astro Transits

    With the Corridor of Eclipses behind us, see what spring skies have prepared for us in the next few weeks. Get recommendations on what to focus on and how to best harmonize some of the ‘harsher’ planetary transits.

  • Corridor of eclipses

    As we find ourselves right past the middle of the spring corridor of eclipses, most of us probably have already felt the emotional roller coaster to a certain degree that usually accompanies this demanding two-week astro period…

  • Spring Astro Events

    As nature awakens from its winter slumber, the world transforms into a canvas painted with vibrant colors, melodious bird songs, and the sweet scent of blooming flowers. This spring, according to Vedic astrology, is marked by significant celestial movements and alignments that influence individual destinies and collective energies.

  • Corridor of Eclipses Oct 14-28

    Are you feeling the rising tensions already? You reap what you sow.. This truth will especially be coming through loud and clear in the upcoming few weeks as the two royal planets, Sun and Moon, are eclipsed by the illusory and rebellious energy of shadow knot Rahu.

  • Soul Planet Reading & Mocktails

    A Soul Planet in Vedic Astrology has a significant influence on us and points to which lessons our souls came into this life to learn. It also shows our true talents, capabilities for growth and progress in this life. It identifies, which qualities we need to work on within ourselves, in order for us to be able to make a quantum leap in this life and reach a new level of development.

    Additionally, as a Valentine’s Day special the attendees will learn the type of partner that suits them the best based on the placement of planets in their individual natal charts.

  • Resourceful Person

    Our lives are beautiful and multidimensional. Every single one of us has goals, dreams and ambitions. But why do we sometimes feel as if we do not have enough resources to accomplish all that we set out to do. Sometimes we feel so drained, unmotivated and weak – so we wonder what we are doing wrong. Below are two lists. One highlights our most common areas where we leak prana or our life energy and the other one shows areas where we generate and expand life force within us.

  • Root of all Illnesses

    All disease in our life, from chronic pain to physical trauma, is a direct response to a disharmonized relationship between our Mind, Body and Soul. We can prevent and heal all forms of illness simply by harmonizing the three into a beautiful biological and spiritual orchestra that is capable of self-healing, re-generating healthy tissues and eliminating all waste and toxins on autopilot. Read on to find out how.

Your Destiny Awaits..

“You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.”
― Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

What People Say

Oksana is a talented and magical woman.

Her intuition and advice drills to the core of your soul and sparks something inside of you that makes you want to be a better version of yourself.

Oksana identified major themes in my life that needed to be addressed, and shared with me the knowledge and tools to improve them.

Any conversation with Oksana is charged with positive energy and wisdom, and will leave you feeling inspired to take charge and OWN your life.


2018 was the year when Vedic Astrology welcomed itself into my life for the first time and, looking back, I can say with certainty that it was the best thing that could have possibly happened to me at the time.

I went from not knowing anything about astrology and generally not believing in esotericism to seeing first-hand how this intricate philosophy can heal souls and provide direction and guidance towards overall harmony and inner peace.

Dubbed also as the “science of fate,” astrology is used to understand all aspects of life, including the future success of a particular endeavor, like marriage, moving into a new home, or a business venture. Moreover, it clearly and with extremely high precision points to the area in one’s life, where the highest personal growth can occur in this lifetime.

In the past, astrology was even used as a way of predicting the outcomes of battles in war, or a particular governmental decision. As a result, rulers would often employ astrologers to provide them better insight as to how they could best run their kingdoms.

This ancient philosophy provides personalized guidance for those who feel lost or confused in their life’s journey, and is the basis for modern frameworks like Meyers-Briggs Personality Test, and far more revealing than your mainstream Horoscope.